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      I bought one a little while ago as a friend had one and it is amazing!


      It plugs into the mains, you press and hold the button, insert the item that is magnetized and draw it out up to 18″ away and release the button. It works so much better that those funny plastic blocks with the holes in and you can put the watch mech still in its case into one of these and it will still demagnetize it. No more bits of wire wool etc. sticking to my screwdrivers! :)


        I’ll have to keep an eye out for one of those its just what i need! :D


          I thought I would update this post a bit as a few people have had questions about demagnetisers.
          First here is a picture of a cheap one you can find in general stores or on e-bay.

          They come in all shapes and colours and do help a bit but if you want the proper tool for the job you need one of these types……

          I know Bergeon make one of this style but more modern looking, I have just seen one on e-bay for £350.00 😯
          You dont need to spend anywhere near that unless you have just won the lottery and have nothing else to spend your cash on, I think I paid around £25 for mine on e-bay and it has been worth every penny. The e-bay link at the top of this thread is for this type, you have an oval hole that you put the magnetised item into, press a button and draw the item out and away. You can feel it working as whatever you are holding, you can feel it wobble. Size wise you can get a complete pocket watch in that oval space. It runs off the mains electric so if you do buy one of the older ones please check the cables etc before plugging it in. :)


            @Arutha wrote:

            I bought one a little while ago as a friend had one and it is amazing!


            It plugs into the mains, you press and hold the button, insert the item that is magnetized and draw it out up to 18″ away and release the button. It works so much better that those funny plastic blocks with the holes in and you can put the watch mech still in its case into one of these and it will still demagnetize it. No more bits of wire wool etc. sticking to my screwdrivers! :)

            I was lucky enough to have won this one on ebay and it is the best !! Before that I purchased one of these:


            I don’t think this blue one does nearly as well as the oval demagnetizer does. The blue box demagnetizer kinda works if you futz with it but the oval demagnetizer works without all of the hassle. I guess the point is, if you can find the oval demagnetizer at a reasonable cost get it. If your on a budget you can make the blue box type work.



              Hey Paul, thank you for your dedication to this site!!!!!, guess what I found at a garage sale ;) he had 4 or 5 but I only bought the one, I liked this one the best. $10.00 William


                Beautiful! and what a bargain! i would have bought them all and given the rest out to my friends on the forum William ;)

                Nice one Jim, it makes such a difference when you have the proper tool for the job :)


                  thanks Paul, if you could send me some of that extra cash, I would be more than happy 8-) HEY, maybe Bob would send us an allowance every month we could buy supplies 😆 William


                    I think that is a great idea William, he could sell some of those priceless pocket watches he has stashed away to send us on an all expenses paid shopping trip to the best supply houses in the world. If it wasn’t for Bob I dont know if I would still be doing this, its all his fault with his damn videos! :D


                      yes, I usually blame Bob for everything too ;) , He is pretty good at encouraging us isnt he!?!? :D I think he got my blood boiling for pocket watches and my wife says, “I told you so” 🙄 But what would we do without such wonderful people in our lives :D William

                      Bob Tascione

                        Ahhh yes!
                        Clocks and watches…”gotta love ’em, gotta hate ’em!”
                        “Love is a double edged sword”

                        Here’s another cliche that reveals the real truth behind my cloistered, selfish, sinister attempts at encouragement.
                        “Misery loves company”I’m taking as many of you with me as possible!!

                        Seriously though…I’m really happy to hear you’re both considering adding watches to your horological work. I know you guys won’t regret the decision. You’ll soon discover that once an understanding of the repair techniques needed for the common detached lever escapement is acquired, moving into the lucrative field of carriage and ships clocks will feel perfectly natural.
                        I consider these clocks as ‘Gap’ or ‘Black Hole’ dwellers, hiding in the space between Clock and Watch repair. Most clock and watch smiths don’t work on these as they incorporate both ‘watch and clock’.

                        As for giving up my meager watch collection…well…“Catch me if you can” :D



                          As for giving up my meager watch collection…well…”Catch me if you can”

                          You have got to be kidding, I cant run fast enough to catch a cold these days :)

                          Seriously though…I’m really happy to hear you’re both considering adding watches to your horological work. I know you guys won’t regret the decision. You’ll soon discover that once an understanding of the repair techniques needed for the common detached lever escapement is acquired, moving into the lucrative field of carriage and ships clocks will feel perfectly natural.

                          Just what we dont need, more encouragement! I think our wives have pretty much lost us already :) But seriously, if it wasnt for Horology I wouldnt have much to get out of bed for in the morning, with my back the way it is I cant go out and get a proper job, nobody is going to employ someone who needs a couple of weeks off every few months. I just wish I had thought of doing this 27 years ago when I left school.
                          Thank you guys for keeping me “miserable” and being there to help when I get stuck, its always appreciated very much :D


                            “Prepare plans by consultation, And make war by wise guidance.” And so this is why we are involved in this forum. Paul, as for you and my love towards you I will make it my lifes goal to “make you miserable” :D if only you will let me, and now, as it is written “Man’s steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?” We have a future but who knows which path we should take to get there, or how we will get there, sometime a 2×4 on the top of the head brings clearer thinking ;) . But seriously, this I know, prayer works!!!! so anyone who reads this and would seek the Almighty on someones behalf, please pray for Pauls back and his success in watch and clock work. William


                              Hi group, So glad I read this post. I too have purchased the blue demagnetizer and was disappointed until I found the oval demagnatizer at a local garage sale and paid a couple of bucks for it. I have not used it yet but am encouraged by what I’m reading that I made a great investment.
                              Thanks to all


                                You will not regret that purchase Jerry, infact, once you have used it you will understand it is one of the best you have ever made :) Now can someone direct me to one of these garage sales where I might find some cool stuff?

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