I am a rank beginner. I have an old Hermle 1161 Triple chime movement from my Grandfather clock I built from an Emperor kit in 1989. The movement stopped about 2010 and knowing not how to clean/repair it, I replaced it. But I saved the original movement and always wanted to learn how to repair it. Now with Bob’s great course, I am learning how that all is done. I need some advice on what size bushings and cutting broaches I should have to repair this movement as it appears some of the bushings are worn and need replacement. Any advice on the sizes and good sources would be appreciated. I can get the broaches from Timesavers, just not sure which ones I will need. I am also on the look-out for old clock movements to tinker on. My real passion is Woodworking and I love building wall and tall case clocks, so now I will finally also be able to find, fix and install mechanical movements for my clocks. Thanks again for your forum, course and learned advice.