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  • #49279
    chris mabbott

      You know you have a problem when………

      Look at the state of the balance, maybe all the rust was why the HS broke, whatcha’all thaank 😆
      I have it soaking in a witches brew to see what happens 😈

      apologies for the blurred pic, I was laughing and bopping to this <span style=”color: #0000BF”>FLASH BACK TUNE</span>


        Ain’t a Band-Aid big enough for that….

        bernie weishapl

          Wow. Houston we have a problem. 😆 I had a clock several years ago that sat in a attic for about 15 yrs or more in Florida. You can imagine what it looked like. Yep pretty much like your hairspring. That watch is going to take you a bit.

          chris mabbott

            Bernie, this thing is so ugly that my camera refuses to take clear shots of it 😯

            Anyway, stage 1 of rust removal has been completed, the chunks have been dissolved and what remains is a nice black oxide which, is a lot easier and nicer to work with rather than pure rust..

            Plus, it provides me with an opportunity to experiment on an already toasted hairspring, so not a bad thing, every cloud has a silber lining kinda deal..

            Faze 1..

            chris mabbott

              Phase 2 of I’m so sure, 5 in total, hey, it’s a process ;)

              As soon as we see shiny stuff, there is hope.. Stay tuned cause I’m gonna use this wheel, eventually..

              bernie weishapl

                Boy that thing cleaned up better than I would have thought. Not sure I would have had the patience to go there.

                chris mabbott

                  Bernie I figure if they can restore THIS then a small wheel is possible :D

                  bernie weishapl

                    Anything is possible Chris. Just takes patience. Lots of it. 😆


                      Hey Chris, how much material do you think has been removed? (I know….dumb question 🙄 )
                      Do you think it will effect the overall performance? (another one?)
                      It would be interesting to weigh a good one compared to this one when your done just out of curiosity.
                      @Chris Mabbott wrote:

                      soaking in a witches brew

                      O.K. what is it? I have a couple of ideas of what you used but I will wait to see what you say only to avoid any confusion.
                      Another good post Chris. William

                      chris mabbott

                        William you’re reading my mind 😮 I was thinking the same thing and also looking at this TOOL

                        It will definitely effect the balance, I’ll have to pull the screws to clean it properly. The aggressive material removing process is next, I may have to de-staff it but it would be a pity because the staff is perfect, probably has something to do with the burnishing closing the pores and work hardening the material, nice to know..
                        It’s a good test piece to see what I can get away with, if it works, great, if not, great too..

                        Ahh William, natures own rust remover of course, vinegar :D

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