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    bernie weishapl

      I know this is off topic but told Bob I was going to ask anyway. When talking with Bob today and Ham Radio topic came up. I have been a ham for about 47 yrs. I took a hiatus from it when the kids were in high school because of the job, clock shop and their crazy schedules. A couple of years ago pulled everything back out and got back on the air. Well doing some updating to get into the 21st century. 😆 I just purchased a Yaesu FT 890 Transceiver and a new Butternut HF9V. Haven’t got the antenna up yet (probably won’t till the snow goes away) so still using my old 35 yr old 18 AVT which needed replaced but still works somewhat.

      Anyway didn’t mean to ramble but my question is do we have any other hams on the forum? Just curious.

      david pierce

        I had a ham license (WD4DSZ) many years ago in the early 1970s. I let it expire because the only topic of conversation was football and I can’t stand football.


          Hi Ernie,
          I’m a ham operator,KG4BAS, as are my children.
          We all have hand helds and we all share my Kenwood TS 530S. Because none of us are Generals yet, we mainly work our handhelds laocally and 10 meters for our DX-ing; I also am into QRP on 40 mtrs. and truth be told, I wish I had a better FIST….about 10 – 12 wpm on a good night.

          chris mabbott

            Bernie my American brother, what would a thread be without a silly comment from me, or someone, so here is my completely worthless contribution to your honest thread….

            YES, I’ve been told that I am at times…. A ham, and yes, I also have a radio in my vehicle. Would that make me a ham radio type person 😆

            bernie weishapl

              Chris you are a ham alright. I guess you are a honorary ham with the car radio. Even if it just plays music. 😆 😆

              Ren I have been a general for many years. At one time back in the 70’s and 80’s I could hammer out 35 wpm. Today I don’t do much CW. Just no interest in it anymore. Love to get on and rag chew or do a little dxing when I have time. I have over 300 dx contacts including one from Nepal. There is only one ham there and he only gets on 1 or 2 times a year. Back in the day I had a transmitter I built for QRP and output was 3 watts. I had a 3 element cubical quad up at 50 and worked him with 2 watts. Worked all 50 states so for me it is more today it is more rag chewing than anything else. I do like experimenting building new antenna’s just to keep my electronics up. I bought a Henry 2000 watt amp at a garage sale for $20. 😆 Rebuilt it for $200 and sold it for $1100. Probably should do more but no desire as a business. If I run across something I might do it again. This summer I am looking at building a 5 element wire Hex Beam. Only weighs 24 lbs so can turn it with a TV rotor.

              David that is to bad. I never let my license lapse even not being on for 14 yrs while the kids grew up. Don’t hear much about football anymore or at least I haven’t heard any at all. Once in a while I will hear someone ask how the Yankees did or did Green Bay win but other than that not so much.

              Anyway that is the story from here. Like I say now it is just for fun. Simple transceiver, simple vertical antenna, and about 100 watts output I am a happy camper.

              david pierce

                The guy who got me interested in it was one of my students (K4DKI) many years ago. He had a Collins 2000 watt commercial radio station transmitter for his linear and his antenna looked like a scaled down commercial radio antenna. It was the most elaborate ham set up I ever saw. I remember when I was learning to use the key I kept it on my car seat and would tap out license plates, street signs, bill boards and anything else I saw with letters and numbers in it.

                bernie weishapl

                  I know David I did the same thing. I would take it with me when we traveled and while the wife was driving anything I saw I would tap it out. Like I said I don’t use CW much anymore but do on occasion. You don’t even need CW to pass the new tests today.

                  chris mabbott

                    It’s kinda the same today, except now they call it text messaging while driving. Same thing, different equipment 😆

                    doug s

                      Hi guys,
                      I too am a Ham Radio operator. My call is KAØDOC. I have been a Ham since 1979, was a junior in high school. I am active everyday on 75 meters, 3.982 with the Nebr. Morning Phone Net at 7:30am CST/ CDT. I have an Icom 756 Pro. into a Dipole. I have a matching 2KL 500 watt amp that is down right now needing repair. Log into QRZ.com and check out my station. Also love Transmitter Hunting, I have built a lot of equipment specialized for such events. I also enjoy home brew projects, recently built a small variable digital power supply to run bread board projects. I too used to be good a CW, was sending / receiving about 25 wpm. I currently do not have 20 meter antenna up, my tower went down this winter from high wind. I have the tower back up but need to work on getting the 20 meter back up. Perhaps we all can schedule a round table on air some time.

                      bernie weishapl

                        Good to meet ya Doug. Like I said above I am getting back into ham after a hiatus with kids and then grandkids. I have a butternut HF9V vertical put together in two halves waiting for the weather to clear. Of course there is my woodworking business and clock repair business that gets in the way when grandma is not wanting to go see grandkids. I am also hoping in put up a fanned dipole for 20, 17, 15, 10. I may add 40 if I can get away with it. I may try to listen on 3982 but that is 6:30 my time and a little early for a old retired coot. lol Good to see ya on. Just for your info Bob T. is also a ham.

                        Bob Tascione

                          Hi all,
                          Would be great to meet on air sometime. Like Bernie I’m also in need of a better antenna setup. Not real happy with what I’m using right now but will hopefully change that soon.
                          Was first licensed back in the 60s as a novice WN6DNA. Then 30 some years ago decided to jump back into it. Call now is N6HGF.
                          Enjoy CW (my favorite mode) , digital modes, AM, FM and SSB. Also restoring boat anchors, doing a little qrp work as well as some digital stuff on a modern radio are all fun when I can find the time.



                            My call is W4ECN here in Alabama. Haven’t been on the air for a few years since my windom wire 75 Meter came down in a storm. Sold my Icom 756 pro II and now just have my UHF/VHF stuff sitting around. I go in phases with ham radio the last time I had a real nice shack built up with Heil mics and 1500 watt amp humming along then just got tired of it and sold off most of the shack and bought a fishing Kayak. Sold the Kayak after a year of fun and got into

                            watch repair and collecting! Good grief I’m fickle! I think QRZ still has a picture of my old shack on it.

                            Glenn in Alabama


                              Last time around I also got into the digital modes and had a blast with that for a long time. Now I have forgotten almost all I learned! 20 Meters on digital modes was a blast! I have sold all my HF radios but still have my multiband DX’ing antenna I used in my backyard.

                              bernie weishapl

                                More hams than I thought. I have been having fun getting back into it. This time around it is more for fun and enjoyment.

                                david pierce

                                  I guess, like watch stuff, ham radio is another hole to throw money into. Most of the rednecks I work with have Harley Davidson motorcycles. All of these hobbies can get expensive. If anybody wants to see a real expensive hobby watch STREET OUTLAWS. For the guys on the European side the episodes are also on Youtube. Some of those racers have over $100,000.00 tied up in their cars. They always seem to have plenty of money and bet anywhere from $500.00 to $5000.00 dollars per race. A 10 second race can blow a $I0,000 dollar engine. I cannot even comprehend it.

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