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  • #49839
    its time

      Time to take the plunge. I bought a Seth Thomas Mantel clock on EBay. Looking for a good deal and found it. Not knowing how to but what I’ve seen on videos through the internet and what Bob taught us. Knowing what it looks like and being rather skilled at metal, I thought I would just make one. After inquiring I found that a lot of clock parts are available for very good prices. Not knowing exactly what model I had I sent an email to William and he set me on the right track and suggested I put this on the forum for everyone. So here goes: The clock turned out to be a 4 1/2 with both time and strike train. Off to a good start and ordered up the missing parts, suspension spring from Timesaver is one dollar. I never fixed anything that cheap. So the saga starts of the Seth Thomas starts.


        Hey Nelson, thanks for posting on the forum, it helps others who may have the same type of questions. Keep us informed on your progress, should be a interesting subject fitting a new suspension spring while refurbishing your new old clock, have fun, William

        its time

          The clock I have is the same one you did a video on the fast-slow regulator. My vertical rod is good but the horizontal rod is bent and missing its pinion. I’ll post another pic of the fast-slow regulator mounting bracket which is twisted up because of all the cranking. I will be taking care of that first. I do not do videos but I will put up plenty of pics. The clock looks like someone might have used something like WD 40, there are oil run marks and areas of collected dry ball that look like weasel snot. The clock is in real good condition but I’ll know more when I pull it down. Replace the broken and missing parts with a good clean and lube should do it.
          Thank Willam you are an inspiration.

          its time

            I found more info on the clock. It is a Seth Thomas Sussex Adamantine Mantel Clock, around 1920
            It is a Seth Thomas 89A time and strike movement.
            It was missing the suspension spring that I bought a new one from Timesavers.
            The fast slow regulator pinion was missing on the vertical shaft, I give it a try and with a lot of filing made a nice replacement.
            I need to do a good cleaning and put it back together. I feel confident with all the help I received from the internet everything will go well.
            I put up some pictures the next time I post.
            Nelson Collar

            bernie weishapl

              Nelson I just finished the exact clock yesterday. They are are simple clock and I enjoy working on them. I like the 89 series of Seth Thomas. By series I have worked on 89A, B, C, D, and E. Basically the same movement. The first movement I ever worked on was in 1981 and was a 89C. Good luck with yours.

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