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  • #48395

      Hello Fellow Members,

      I am working on a wall mounted clock powered by a main spring in a barrel. This clock does not have
      a chime or strike spring. This clock also has the pendulum mounted on the inside back of the case instead
      of being mounted on the movement. This makes it a little more of a problem trying to put the clock in beat.

      I have several problems to work out on this clock! My main problem is, the main spring barrel has two bent teeth
      ( 45 degrees) that have to be strightened to the vertical or 90 degrees. I don’t think they can strightened cold.
      I don’t want to break off the teeth and would appreciate your inputs! Also, are there any articles on this subject?

      Thank You, BYJWR1


        This is a bit of a tough one, heating brass doesnt do a great deal to soften it and if over heated can even make it weaker. If the teeth are that bent then they will almost certainly break off when you try to straigten them and even if they dont there is a good chance they will be so weak they could break off once the clock is wound and running. You have two choices, cut a new barrel wheel and solder it on or cut out the section with the broken teeth and solder in a new piece of brass and re cut the two missing teeth. If you dont fancy either of these methods then your only hope would be to find a donor.
        Sorry I dont have better news for you on this :(


          Hi Aruthia.
          Thanks for you reply! I was hoping to receive better news! I have replaced broken gear teeth on regular CLOCK
          gears without much of a problem, but, barrel gear teeth are a much bigger problem. The teeth on the barrel that
          I am working on are 5mm wide. I WOULD BE INTERESTED in purchasing a used or new barrel if one is available!
          The movement has two sets of numbers (602 and 48). No other ID is shown except a pair of wings similar to
          wings worn by pilots on his/her uniforms. The movement is small and shaped like a triangle (the top dim. is smaller
          than the bottom). Has any one seen or worked on this type of movement? I am hoping someone can help me ID the movement! Also,where is the best place to look/buy a replacement barrel. Would photos help?
          Thank You


            Sorry about the bad news, replacing the teeth might not be as bad as you think, the wheel is normaly soldered onto the barrel so if you heat it gently you can pull the wheel off, make the repairs and then solder it back on. This is of course if you cant find a replacement. I have no idea of the make so maybe one of the others can help here. Also keep your eye out on e-bay for a donor movement.
            Good luck.


              Hi Arutha,

              Thanks again for your input! I am hoping one of our other members can weigh in with information that could
              help identify the manufacture of the movement.


              Bob Tascione

                Hi BRJWR1,
                May possibly be a Kienzle time only trapezoidal…Phew! How’s that for a tongue twister? Nice movement! Any chance there’s a wheel in the center of those wings? I don’t know if the wheel would be required to I.D. it as a Kienzle… just wondering.
                If it is a Kienzle I don’t know where you could find a barrel or used parts movement. Maybe someone has a connection up here. If not then may need to replace those teeth. I think I can dig up some info on doing that if need be.
                Yes a pic might be of help if you can put one up here.


                  Hi Bob!

                  Thanks for your reply! There is a wheel in the center of the wings. Does this ID the movement as a Kienzle.
                  Is the Kienzle movement American made? Since my last post, I was able to strighten the barrel gear teeth
                  enough (without breaking them) to get the clock running. The teeth on the barrel are close together and
                  I had to use a knife blade as a tool to get between the bent teeth and apply a lot of pressure. Although
                  the clock is running and may run a long time, I would still like to find a replacement barrel.

                  Thanks again,



                    I am glad you got the clock running but I would sure be careful after bending the teeth, that can put a lot of stress on the brass and if it should strip those teeth there is no telling what other damage that might cause.

                    If it looks like this then you do have a Keinzle.
                    Jakob KIENZLE (1859 – 1935) was the founder of a major German clock producing factory in the town of Schwenningen, Württemberg.
                    Keinzle clocks are fairly common, at least this side of the pond so you shouldnt have too much trouble tracking down a movement. If you post a picture of the back and front I might even be able to track one down for you.

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