Does anyone have a favorite power /focal distance set up for use with a Jacot lathe ?
I’m awfully close to the set up when using mine, and there isn’t much room between the work and my face.
I’m using a B&L 4X…I think with a 2.5 focal ( or close ) ?
Are there any written recommendations on the subject ????
A pair of inexpensive high power reading glasses from a super market, drug store, office supply store etc. work great and allow you to work at a comfortable distance.
David Pierce
If you get a pair of these clean them with a fresh cotton ball, liquid dish detergent and hot tap water. Wiping them with anything will scratch the lenses so let them air dry. The hot tap water will evaporate quickly. Do not use lens cleaning solution, lens tissue or a lens cloth. I have found this method cleans better than anything else and will not put microsctatches on the lenses.