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  • #49470
    chris mabbott

      I just got this today, been waiting for someone to bring here for me for two months 😯
      A Hampden 16s New Railway, the sunburst design is almost like the Bunn Special. Quite an unusual watch, note the gold retaining disk on the balance cap jewel, a nice touch. :D
      I wanted to share this photo I just took, a bit of Monday eye candy.. Hope you enjoy..

      bernie weishapl

        That is a good looking watch. Nice sunburst.


          I like the bridges Chris…really nice layout

          chris mabbott

            Thanks gents, I’ve been looking for one of these for quite some time, and although they aren’t considered “uncommon” you just don’t see em around too much. I figure they’re either in collections, sitting in a storage box somewhere, destroyed or simply hiding 😆

            I was lucky on this because it came in its original Hampden case, I think..


              Another lovely watch! I might have to look into some “proper” pocket watches later on, I an getting fed up with the cheap un-jewelled stuff that always needs bushing :(


                I lost out on one of these a few weeks ago on eBay. I think I told you in previous post my favorite watches have sun ray damasking with the Bunn models being #1. I’ve seen a few of these in person and they look better in person than in pictures. I guess that’s true with most watches though. The one I was trying to get had a pretty beat up case or I would have bid higher. I like the Hampdens too but it sure is hard finding parts. I have a pretty good supply of parts movements with good jewels so if you ever need and 18S parts hit me up.

                chris mabbott

                  That’s a shame you missed it as these don’t turn up so often, even though the actual production numbers ( although not staggeringly high ) denotes that they’re not in the uncommon or rare category.

                  I wonder what the actual existing today figures are, not only for this model, but for many that were in the 9k plus range?
                  I’m sure that those production numbers do not reflect the actual, to date.
                  Taking time and tide into consideration, I would guesstimate that 50% +_ could be subtracted from the original production figures for many models.

                  I agree, things are always better in hand, but, I find that I like both 🙄
                  In hand, much of the detail that you can see on an enlarged photo remains, simply, unseen.
                  Whereas these days, I spend more time studying my photos rather than the real thing.

                  The only thing that is difficult photographically, is to capture the sparkle of the tiny screws and the change effect of the demaskeening pattern in various positions. I combat this by taking many shots.

                  I’m sure if I broke out my DSLR and did a proper shoot setup, that I could capture more detail, but honestly, I can’t be bothered 😳
                  So I use my iPhone cam which is actually very good for close, controlled shots, if conditions are within the cams capabilities, which can be achieved with little messing around and a fraction of patience.

                  Thanks for the part offer, I may just hold you to that, I have about 20 something Hampden 18s awaiting their turn at the knife… Not to mention the same in 16s
                  At present though the only part I need is, I think, the same one you seek.. A lever pallet fork with a .10 size pivot. Been looking for one for a year!

                  I forget which demaskeening pattern first started me off, but once you have more than a few, it gets boring so your taste shifts to patterns 1-30
                  Such is the addiction to eye candy 8-)


                    Sure looks to be in the original case ( no “additional” movement holding screw marks on the lip). I hear you about not being always able to get the sparkle of the screws, etc…my Ham 940 is gorgeous in the correct lighting…I made sure to polish every screw for the effect, but you don’t always see it easily.
                    I like that you are enamored by the Hampdens Chris…..they are wonderful to look at.


                    chris mabbott

                      Catching the effect is possible with some camera setup, I have a DSLR cam with a bunch of filters, a light box and all that crap, used to use it for medals, but really, I can’t be bothered any more 😆 lazy sod…
                      I have a sweet spot for lighting that I found by accident, I sometimes use this surface too with the pod cam.. But with metallic objects, it is difficult as the light bounces back at the lens..

                      Funny thing about this one Randy, the buyer was located in Canton, so I dream that it was from there from the git go. I just wish I had some history but the seller got it at an estate sale. Or in real terms, some guys garage sale 😆


                        So, Chris,

                        How is it you get people to “bring you” these kinds of museum quality timepieces? Nice watch you got there.

                        Is this one going to get an overhaul? Does it need parts? Or, is this for the “collector” in you?

                        I’d love to collect one :)


                        Tim :)

                        chris mabbott

                          Hey Tim, nice to see ya back buddy, I thought you might have become snowed under, I heard you guys had some white stuff on the island 😆

                          Well, that’s easy…. I bribe them with food :D

                          This one just needs a service and clean, so thankfully, no parts required..


                            Thank you, Chris :)

                            I had some trouble with an abscess right where my thigh and butt meet. Talk about pain. It cost me two trips to the ER, and I do not mean pleasant ones. Think “injection into an open infected abscess”, five or six times.

                            Glad to see you’re doing well :)


                            Tim :)

                            chris mabbott

                              OUCH 😮 It even sounds painful. Hope you’re rid of it soon…


                                Oh, I’m all good now, thanks. It’s amazing what healing can take place within the body once those are opened up properly. I appreciate the good wishes, Bro!

                                T :)

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