Any suggestions as to how to assemble the watch? I can get all the pivots in place but not the anchor due to the fact it has to also slide into the lower balance cock. No wonder they stopped making this model…
Hey I can post my own reply. After trying several ways to get all the pinons into place I tried putting the escapement wheel and lever in the bridge pinion hole. Then I lowereed the bottom plate onto the bridge. It worked and the watch runs! First watch. Awesome feeling of accomplishment.
Congratulations Wingman!
I believe you found the best solution.
Many (but not all) full plate 18 size American watches will assemble much easier if assembled upside down rather than from the pillar plate. Some models like the Waltham 1883 can be built from the piller plate as the top plate can be tilted and the pallet inserted into the potence from between the plates. Most other models, like yours go together easier the way that you did it. This topic has been touched on a couple of times before in this forum… If you would like to take a look then see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=58&hilit=upside+down