Well got my case in today for a 16s 15j Elgin pocket watch movement I had bought to see if I could still fix these things. I did get it tore down, cleaned, new mainspring and oiled. I didn’t polish the movement itself as Chris does because I was thinking it would just go in the drawer and sit. Didn’t want to waste a lot of time on a parts movement. It has been running about a month now with a excellent dial. No cracks or hairlines so decided it would be a good candidate to case if I could find a decent one. This one I got for $38 including shipping and it is decent. I will take the movement out and go thru it again at a later date and polish the case. It has a locomotive on the back. Kinda a neat case. Anyway here she be in all of her splendor and glory. Felt good to rescue it and make it tick again.
Well done Bernie,
its great when something like that comes together. I do pocket watches the other way round, I spend a load of time cleaning everything and servicing, polishing, down to the screw heads etc, put it back together, check it still doesn’t work properly and then put it in a draw 😯
Thanks and I hear ya Paul. This one I didn’t spend a whole lot of time on because it was suppose to be just a old practice watch. Problem is when I got it cleaned up the dial was perfect and it ran so well I just decided I would case it and dude or as my dad would say spruce it up later on. 😆 I am quite happy with it.