@david pierce wrote:
On one of the Bunn Special videos Bunn taped an eye loupe to his camera lens with duct tape and it did a great job photographing the watch parts. Also, run the part through your ultrasonic cleaner first. It looks like there is some crud around the outside of the jewel; hope it isn’t super glue.
Yes – I haven’t cleaned anything yet, just trying to get my duck (I only have one) in a row. Oh… I like Bunn as he flies by the seat of his pants and, for the most part, gets the job done and he doesn’t filter the choice explitives that we throw around – well, I can only speak for myself and Bunn in this instance. This problem might cause me to do that very thing.
For Aurtha…
I did buy a good set of rubbed-in tools, but I’m thinking that this is a friction fit jewel. Looking at the outside shot under magnification there appears to be a manufactured ledge showing through the jewel. Either that, or this is one heck of a nice rubbed-in job.