I’ve just returned from Florida where I bought a couple of Elgin pocket watches from a flea market in Webster (well worth a visit). I paid $80 for one and $40 for the other and they are both in perfect working condition.
From the serial numbers, one was made in 1899 and the other in 1911.
This evening I watched this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys4ChOWYNy8
I found the video really amazing. I hope you do too. It is easy to forget just how incredibly complex and sophisticated the technology that went into making these watches was.
What I paid for my pocket watches was about the same as what they cost when they were first made……..
When you consider how much inflation has occurred since then it makes me think that all these old watches (and clocks) are absolute bargains. How much of our modern technology is going to be around and still working a hundred years from now?
Really enjoyed the video Brian!
Congratulations on the watch find too. Sounds like you got a very good deal on them.
Thanks for putting the link up. That video is excellent.