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    Good Morning Group
    I read the forum everyday but have not posted in a while (sorry)

    WOW!, David’
    I was just catching up on the forum and came across your post of Tool and Die Makers in the 70’s. I was immediately taken back into time. I was schooled in Tool and Die Making in 1970 and was employed for a few years until the advent of a NEW type of Milling machined attached to a computer (CNC) came into play.
    When Mic’ing a piece of stock each student would come up with a slightly different number ( it’s all about the feel)

    However I am grateful for the experience and I have been using a little Asian model 7 x 12 Machine lathe for my work in Bob’s course. I haven’t tried hand graving yet but am anxious to jump into it.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane