Scroll down to see two simple ways to get into or back to your course!
Navigating to a course can be confusing at times. If you find that you can’t access or get back to your course after moving around the site then here are two easy and quick ways to get back in.
The login field displayed to the right of this text – or below if using a mobile device – will let you know whether or not you’re already logged in. If you see a button that says ‘Log Out’ then you’re logged in. If you’re already logged in you can either log out by clicking that Log Out button on this page and then log back in or just click – Here – to be taken directly to your Products page.
If you see two login fields asking for your email and password then you’ll need to log in. After logging in you should be taken straight to your products page where your course or courses will be displayed. Then just click on the Green button to select your course and then click the link with a green check mark that shows up right under your product. If for any reason you are not taken to your Products page after logging in then – Click Here – to go directly there.