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Bob Tascione

    Hi Calhouns,
    I’m just guessing here until I can either dig up a UW32001 or at least a pic of one to look at.
    I think the center wheel can be lubricated where it slips on the center shaft. This should loosen it up for smooth setting. If that doesn’t do the job then you’ll need to pull the plates apart again and then remove and clean the center shaft and center wheel hole. Also I thought that this movement has a self adjusting chime which means you don’t need to stop for each chiming sequence as it will adjust itself to the correct sequence. If you see two hook type levers sitting right next to each other (possibly between the plates) then it’s self adjusting.
    Again I’m not sure about this info so I’ll try to dig up a movement or pic in the morning.

    Adios for now,