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9 Responses
This is a absolutely a must course for anyone new to clock repair. This is pretty much a course that will help with most modern movements today. I wish this course had been around when I started as it would have saved hours of stumbling around trying to get it in sequence. Excellent course.
I can not stress enough how important this course will be to anybody starting out in clock repair, those looking for a better understanding of chime movements or for those who want to service their own chime movement.
This course is clear and concise with fantastic camera work so you can clearly see what is happening and understand what is being described. The animations are excellent too and help you to gain an understanding of the mechanical functions of a chime movement.
Certainly one of, if not, the best recording of a chime movement service ever.
PD Currell.
I watched the part of removing the cam from the center wheel. I tried to remove one and pulled the cutlet from the back side when I lifted the cam. What did I do wrong.
Hi William,
You most likely didn’t do anything wrong. The collet/collar on the other side of the plate will sometimes move rather than the cam/pinion assembly. William mentions using a little lubricant on the cam/arbor fit to help loosen it up a bit in case it’s a little tight. The collet should be a tighter press fit than the cam but not always the case. Not a problem though when it comes to Hermle movements as the center wheel and pinion can be removed from the arbor by removing the spring clip so the collar can be slipped off. Either way works. The only difference is that the collar must be tapped or pressed back to the same position so that the end shake of the center arbor between the plates is sufficient. Again either way will work if needed.
Also William, I added a little something extra for you in your membership. You’ll see it listed when you login. Enjoy!
This is a absolutely a must course for anyone new to clock repair. This is pretty much a course that will help with most modern movements today. I wish this course had been around when I started as it would have saved hours of stumbling around trying to get it in sequence. Excellent course.
I can not stress enough how important this course will be to anybody starting out in clock repair, those looking for a better understanding of chime movements or for those who want to service their own chime movement.
This course is clear and concise with fantastic camera work so you can clearly see what is happening and understand what is being described. The animations are excellent too and help you to gain an understanding of the mechanical functions of a chime movement.
Certainly one of, if not, the best recording of a chime movement service ever.
PD Currell.
I watched the part of removing the cam from the center wheel. I tried to remove one and pulled the cutlet from the back side when I lifted the cam. What did I do wrong.
Hi William,
You most likely didn’t do anything wrong. The collet/collar on the other side of the plate will sometimes move rather than the cam/pinion assembly. William mentions using a little lubricant on the cam/arbor fit to help loosen it up a bit in case it’s a little tight. The collet should be a tighter press fit than the cam but not always the case. Not a problem though when it comes to Hermle movements as the center wheel and pinion can be removed from the arbor by removing the spring clip so the collar can be slipped off. Either way works. The only difference is that the collar must be tapped or pressed back to the same position so that the end shake of the center arbor between the plates is sufficient. Again either way will work if needed.
Also William, I added a little something extra for you in your membership. You’ll see it listed when you login. Enjoy!
Yea BOB!!!!
Thanks for the course and of course the help!!
Happy I could help Richard. Looks like all’s working well now. Thanks for working with me and for posting. See you up on the forum!
Bye for now,
Hi Bob, is the Forum Still Running, I tryed to log on but faint, I may have forgot on my password,
John Clock Repairs Merseyside
Thanks, login works
Josef Pollinger
Weihersberg 42
92724 Germany