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    what do you mean the suspension spring was only attached to 1 instead of two? I dont quite understand what you mean.
    With the lantern pinion trundles, can you not re-solder the bad trundle to get it back in to its correct position? If you just heat the solder that is there and re-set it in the correct position it should work ok. If the end of the lantern pinion that is bad and is facing away from the wheel you can machine the end of it down until you can remove all of the trundles, put in some new ones using pivot steel and then make a new cap to solder over the top or just make a whole new top making sure the centre hole is tight on the arbor. You can use a replacement wheel but you must first make sure the tooth shape and lantern pinion trundles and overall diameter are the same as the original wheel otherwise it will just bind up.