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    Hey Tom, great job on finding the problem :D , I am right there with Paul on overlooking obvious things, kind of want to beat my head against the wall sometimes :roll:(might be easier). I wont go into detail on my mishaps as Bobs posting limits would probably be reached. You my friend have essentially taught everyone who has read this post some great things to look for while deciphering a issue whether watch or clock AND fixed the issue before throwing in the towel!!!! so if anything, I think we should all thank you!!!!. Also, as with anyone with any sort of hindering physical problem, in no matter what they do, give chance to overcome and help others with a similar situation..if they dont give up…… my eyes are getting worse as time marches on so I may be asking you someday for advice on how to overcome. the task was difficult and now your character is stronger!!!!stick with it and dont ever give up, you are valuable to us all ;). God bless, William