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david pierce

    Please re-read the post that I wrote, I did not say start turning screws on the balance wheel any more than Paul said go ahead and cut the hairspring to make it shorter so it can run faster. What I said was I think the problem has to do with the center of mass of the balance wheel which is adjusted with the Meridian Screws. This is similar to moving the weight up and down on a clock pendulum. These are timing adjustment procedures and timing adjustments should always come after repair and cleaning procedures. A major reason for this is to help rule any other issues that may be causing timing problems. Another reason is a broken and/or dirty watch will probably not keep good time. These are concepts that are learned through study and practice. I also stated that Bob’s clock videos explain the thoery behind pendulum weight and weight placement and feel that it would be a good idea to watch these to help understand how this affects oscillation. My reason for bringing this up was most people who are interested in watch repair will probably ignore the videos on clock repair. These videos should also be watched.
    Everything Paul stated on his list is correct and is covered in books on watch repair; hence, the reason to get the books ,study and learn about the mechanisms and how they work. If you pull up some previous posts from Watch the Bear a similar problem arose and the balance wheel was replaced with a different size balance wheel which corrected the problem. The reason this corrected the problem is because the new balance wheel had the correct center of mass. The Meridian Screws are there for this reason (an adjustment procedure) and should not be used for poising (a repair procedure) and yes, their purpose and adjustment procedures are also listed in in many books on watch repair.