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I paid £250 for my 6mm Wolf Jahn lathe. The main attachments to look out for are of course collets and if possible the jacot drum and pivoting attachment. Obviously make sure it has a tailstock and graver rests. A cross slide is a luxury and I have not yet needed one, those things sell on their own for around £300 so unless you needed one for a specific job then dont worry too much. The same goes for a 3 jaw chuck although I think this would be more usefull than a cross slide. Just get the basic lathe and collets to start with and that will be a good start. You can always add bits later on as and when you need them. Fortunately the smaller collet sizes are easier to come by and these are the ones you will be using the most when repairing watch parts. Have a look on e-bay and see whats available and if you do see something then post the item number up and we can give you advice.
Good luck with the course and let us know how it goes.