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Hi WatchDogg,
I have been tinkering a little with quartzwatches myself for some time, as I have an interest in electronics.
The closest I have found as DVD for repairing quartzwatches is a “course” I belive was made by Dan Gendron. I _think_ he now has retired as a watchmaker, but the course is still mentioned on the net.
It looks like it is more into changing battery, swapping whole movements and also how to change capacitors on Seiko Kinetics and Citizen EcoDrives.
I have NOT seen the DVD’s so I can not give any opinions about content or relevance for you.
It looks like it can be rented thru “SmartFlix”. The link is http://smartflix.com/store/video/2343/A-Course-In-Profiting-With-Quartz-Watch-Repairs
I also found a webpage that apparently sells the course (it looks like it is cheaper to buy the DVD’s then rent them!). The link is http://www.watchrepairschool.com/
About testers and testing:
The new testers on sale is very neat. They can tell you if you have a mechanical or electronic problem without opening the case by indicating if there is a pulse to the stator/rotor. Personally I do this with the Accutron sensor I have for my Microset tester (works for analog quartzwatches).
The most inexpensive way to test a movement is to open the case and use a multimetre.
There are two things to be aware of when choosing a multimetre for watch use.
First to remember that it must be able to measure microampere (uA), not just milliampere (mA) if you are going to measure the consumption of the movement. I like to use a digital (LED) multimetre.
The second thing to remember is that when you measure the coil resistance (ohm) you feed volts into the circuit of the watch. This volt must not exeed 0,40V, preferably not more than 0,20V. This is a tricky one as standard multimetres probably feed more volts than this, and you risk frying the IC. The solution is to take out the coil and measure it seperately on the bench.
Before I got the Microset I tested the pulse with a _very_ inexpencive analog (old type with hand) multimetre. You can buy theese very cheap new today. Set the meter to measure the lowest DCV that is capable of and place the probes on the two pads that connects to the coil. If the circuit is OK the hand of the multimetre will swing to the left and right as the movement pulses. Normally one each second. If it pulses you know the circuit is working to this point. BTW you need to have a good battery installed in the watch for this test. Clean battery contacts is also a must.
The next step is to test if the coil is OK. This is done by measuring the resistance (ohm). If you don’t know the testing voltage of your multimetre it is safest to take the coil out and measure it on the bench. Set the meter on the ohm testing and place the probes on the two pads where the thin coilwire is soldered. The movement datasheet will tell you the correct ohm for the coil. But typical values is between 1K ohm and 3K ohm.
So if there are a pulse but a faulty coil, repair or replace the coil.
If there are a pulse and the coil measures good, you probably have a mechanical problem.
I good idea is to check your testing procedures with a known working watch before going to test faulty watches.
Sorry for the long post.
Hope this helps.